Web Accessibility: A Legal Obligation and an Opportunity for Businesses

Web Accessibility: A Legal Obligation and an Opportunity for Businesses

With the enactment of new digital accessibility regulations, businesses and entities offering services to the public must adapt their digital spaces to ensure an inclusive experience for everyone. The EU Directive 2019/882 and the new Accessibility Code of Catalonia set clear requirements to make products and services accessible to people with disabilities and others with…

L'equip de teclaSocial assegut al voltant d'una taula, treballant amb portàtils.

myCareNet Apps transforms into TeclaSocial: A new phase with a social soul

We reinvent ourselves! myCareNet Apps evolves to address the digital challenges of the social, educational, and healthcare sectors. We are now teclaSocial, a digital agency with a clear mission: to use technology to improve people’s quality of life and enhance the work of solidarity-based entities and organizations. Why teclaSocial? This new name reflects our essence:…

Ajudes per començar a digitalitzar la teva organització.

Business Digitalization Assistance: What options are available?

La digitalització és clau per a la competitivitat de qualsevol empresa, però moltes troben dificultats econòmiques per implementar-la. Per això, existeixen diverses iniciatives que ajuden a fer més accessible aquesta transformació. A continuació, en presentem algunes de les més destacades: