Dues persones treballant juntes en un espai de treball col·laboratiu, amb un portàtil, una tauleta, un telèfon intel·ligent, documents, notes adhesives, un quadern, una tassa de cafè i una planta petita.

How to manage digital change in small organizations?

Digital transformation is not only for large corporations. Small organizations, including NGOs and social entities, can also greatly benefit from incorporating modern technologies. However, managing this change can be challenging without proper planning. Below, we explain how to effectively approach digital change, with practical steps and useful tools. 1. Define the objectives of digital change…

Mà humana i mà robòtica apropant-se una a l'altra.

Artificial intelligence in the service of charitable projects

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming traditional sectors, and charitable projects are no exception. This technology not only facilitates the management and optimization of processes but also enables more effective and tailored solutions to meet the needs of beneficiaries. In this blog post, we explore how AI is helping to enhance the impact of charitable projects….

Persona tocant una pantalla tàctil amb gràfics de dades.

The most common mistakes in the digitalization of NGOs and how to avoid them

Digitalizing an NGO can be a big challenge, but also an opportunity to increase the impact and efficiency of its projects. However, during this process, many organizations make mistakes that can compromise the expected results. In this article, we identify the most common mistakes and provide practical tips to avoid them. 1. Lack of a…

Ajudes per començar a digitalitzar la teva organització.

Business Digitalization Assistance: What options are available?

La digitalització és clau per a la competitivitat de qualsevol empresa, però moltes troben dificultats econòmiques per implementar-la. Per això, existeixen diverses iniciatives que ajuden a fer més accessible aquesta transformació. A continuació, en presentem algunes de les més destacades: